In section 3 of our ESR-STM tutorial, you can find details about the theoretical models that are used to describe the physics underlying the phenomena studied in scanning tunneling spectroscopy (STS) and STM ESR measurements as well as a hands-on demonstration on how to perform magnetic multiplet calculations.

We will first introduce the concept of multiplet calculations, based on an effective Hamiltonian of the system, that includes: the contributions from electron-electron interaction; the crystal field; spin-orbit coupling; and external magnetic fields. As a result, you will be able to understand how conventional spin-excitations differ from the observed ESR transitions, not only in their observed energy range but also through their spin and orbital structure.

In the second module, we will explain how we can understand the mechanism that drives ESR transition in an STM ESR setup. After briefly touching on the basics of a driven two-state quantum system, we will elaborate on the effect of barrier modulation by an oscillating external electric field, which is an effective driving mechanism for ESR-STM.


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