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This tutorial is for researchers already familiar with scanning tunneling microscopy (STM) and are interested in adding Electron Spin Resonance (ESR) to achieve extraordinary advances in resolution. QNS welcomes members of the STM community for research stays in Seoul to learn this technique directly, but that may not be possible for everyone. So to support the community in adopting this powerful technique, QNS has created this tutorial for you to begin using today.
This tutorial breaks down the complex task of incorporating ESR into STM into small, bite-size pieces. Our aim is to provide enough information and context that it can be used to train both PI’s and their graduate students and post docs. The modules are all taught by experts in the field, many from QNS, and also other leaders in the community.
Please actively participate in the discussions and ask questions to help us to improve the tutorial. The more open and active the discussion, the better the results will be for all of us. Our aim is to respond quickly to enhance the content in order to maximize its usefulness.
If you’re already using ESR-STM and would like to offer to contribute your expertise, please contact us about recording a module we can add to enhance the tutorial.
You are invited to share this tutorial with your students and colleagues.
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